• Breaking News

    Blogging Break for Luxury Haven Lifestyle Blog

    blogger magazine dynamic template design
    For those who are following me in Facebook, you would’ve probably seen my updates on the recent incident where Luxury Haven's site was compromised.

    Long story cut short, I had engaged a professional from UK last week to revamp my blog design. As a common practice in the market, I had also given my blog access to her and made her Admin to work on my blog template.

    Little did I expect that she would remove me as Admin, & took over my blog completely instead and blackmailed me. Reports have been made to the relevant authorities. Thank goodness I was able to get my 10-year-old baby back after working round the clock for 2 days, and now Luxury Haven is up and running again! Did you notice that I have changed my blog header image to a simpler design?
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